Ayurvedic Benefits of Jamun Leaves जामुन के पत्तों के फायदे - डायबिटीज से अलसर तक में फायदेमंद
In today's Jeevan Kosh health video we will talk about the highly beneficial Jamun Leaves. Due to low glycaemic index, Jamboline and many phytochemicals it is useful in managing many health problems. Let's find out how to consume Jamun Leaves for better results in various issues.
डायबिटीज हो या मुंह में अलसर, हाजमा खराब हो या शरीर में इनफ्लेमेशन जामुन की तरह फायदा देंगे जामुन के पत्ते | लेकिन इन्हें कैसे खाना है ये ध्यान से सुनने की ज़रूरत है |
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All information provided on this channel is furnished strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Remedies and tips given here are not the treatment for any health condition. Please consult your doctor before doing any change in your lifestyle.
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