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It's time to pivk up your own potty! Watch the video to know which ones Kitty, Rhino and Koala choose!
Oh oh oh
When you get that funny feeling
Down below oh oh
Stop what you doing
And go go go
It’s potty time
Its potty time
Go go go go go
Put your pants down
And take a seat
Its potty potty time
Now sit and wait
Its ok it takes some time
Potty potty time
Is so much fun
Oh oh oh
When you get that funny feeling
Down below oh oh
Stop what you doing
And go go go
It’s potty time
Its potty time
Go go go go go
What a big kid
What a big kid
It's potty potty time
No more nappies
Its ok it takes some time
Potty potty time
Is so much fun
Oh oh oh
When you get that funny feeling
Down below oh oh
Stop what you doing
And go go go
It’s potty time
Its potty time
Go go go go go
Yes you did it
Good job baby
It's potty potty time
No more nappies
You did so well
Hooray hooray
Potty potty time
Is so much fun
Oh oh oh
When you get that funny feeling
Down below oh oh
Stop what you doing
And go go go
It’s potty time
Its potty time
Go go go go go
Wipe wipe clean
And wash your hands
after potty potty time
Wear underpants
Potty potty time
So great so great
Now you know how to do it
Hooray hooray
#toddlerzoo #kidssongs #toddlers