Now updated to include things the previous one didn't:
The Ride (Not the 1991 bit or Doc on the March though, oops)
Continuum Conundrum
Who is Marty McFly?
Biff to the Future
Hard Time
Also, the animated series clips are now in higher quality than before.
Time Served is still being published, so I couldn't include that. I really should have waited for it to finish so I could get volume 1 of the comics in here (and possibly, the first time travel of the Jules Verne Train!), but oh well.
At some points in the video (e.g. 19654 BC), I mistakenly used 'IDW' to label the entry, which is a leftover from my big spreadsheet which distinguishes between IDW and Harvey Comics. So 'IDW' just means 'COMIC'.