Ссылка на мотор Бафанг 750Вт в нашем магазине - https://velomoda.com.ua/catalog/electronabori/karetochnyj-elektromotor-48v-750w.html
Мотор-колеса в Веломоде - https://velomoda.com.ua/catalog/electronabori.html
Видео инструкция по монтажу, установка Bafang 750W (Mid Drive Motor) на горный велосипед. Получаем - отличный, скоростной электровелосипед с кареточным мотором.
Аккумуляторы для электровелосипедов - https://velomoda.com.ua/catalog/akumulators.html
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Today we will turn this mountain bike into an electric bike. Let's do it with the help of the carriage motor Bafang 750W. First of all, take the key for 8mm and remove the rods. Connecting rods are no longer useful to us. There are other connecting rods in the set. I highly recommend removing the pedals before the connecting rods are removed. Then it will be difficult to do.
Traditionally we do it with a 15mm key. Pedals from the factory were twisted to dry - without lubrication. This is not good. Cranks removed. It remains to remove the carriage. We take such a serious tool and unscrew the carriage cups. First, unscrew the left cup, then – right. At Bafang we have 1 star ahead, but we decided to leave the front derailleur as a damper for the circuit.
Before installing the motor in place - you need to mount and fix a star on it. Unscriptions and designations are usually located inside - this is what we will be guided by. In addition, each bolt has a washer-grover, which also prevents the unwinding of the bolts. The screws are clamped diagonally - so evenly tightened. We install protection.
Tighten the mounting nut. Mounting Key is included.
Now you can start installing the equipment and the display on the steering wheel. Instead of the underfurber we mount the battery strap. Now you can safely drive to work, to rest, to the store without the help of a car.
And here is the review of the admired owner of this bike.
#Bafang #установка #мотор