박재정 Parc Jae Jung
열아홉 살의 나이로 오디션 프로그램에서 우승을 차지하며 데뷔했다. 깊고 부드러운 중·저음의 음색, 섬세한 감성과
뛰어난 테크닉을 선보이며 ‘완성된 발라드 싱어’라는 평가를 받았다. 2023년, 전곡 자작곡으로 채운 정규 앨범 「Alone」을 발표했다. 4년의 긴 작업 기간을 거쳐 완성된 이번 앨범은 그동안 힘들고 외로웠던 박재정의 진심을 가장 솔직하고 담백하게 풀어낸 고백이기도 하다.
이번 무대는 최훈(베이스), 최기웅(드럼), 노은종(기타), 박현중(키보드), 박기훈(클라리넷, 플루트), 여소흔(바이올린), 나지수(비올라), 강희현(첼로)가 함께했다.
At the age of 19, he debuted by winning an audition program. He was evaluated as a ‘completed ballad singer’ by showing his deep and soft mid-bass tone, delicate sensibility, and excellent technique. In 2023, His first full-length album "Alone" was released, which was filled with all his own-written songs. This album, which was completed after four long years of work, is also the most honest and plain confession of Parc Jae Jung's sincerity, which has been difficult and lonely. Choi Hoon(bass), Kiwoong Choi(drums), Noh Eun Jong(guitar), Park Hyeon Joong(keyboard), Park Kihun(clarinet, flute), Soheun Yeo(violin), Ji Su Na(viola), Hee Hyun Kang(cello) were together at this stage.
#박재정 #헤어지자말해요 #스페이스공감
헤어지자 말해요 Let’s Say Goodbye
“영원할 거란 약속과 강했던 다짐이 무너졌을 때. 상대가 먼저 이별을 말해주길 바라는 비열한 남자의 노래입니다.” - 박재정
“When the promise to last forever and the strong resolution collapsed. This is a song about a mean man who wants his partner to say goodbye first.” - Parc Jae Jung
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