A super short domestic flight in Bangladesh on the Biman Boeing 777-300ER from Dhaka to Sylhet climbing to just 15,000 feet for a few minutes.
The complete double Biman film is available at http://shop.justplanes.com
Other Biman videos
787 https://youtu.be/bD2L5ZxjMN8
777 https://youtu.be/Ns-gvMXv-rY
787 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl48I4pCtyQ
For more information about this film please visit:
JUST PLANES http://www.justplanes.com
DOWNLOAD STORE http://shop.justplanes.com/
VISIT JUST PILOTS https://www.youtube.com/@justpilots747
#sylhet #boeing777 #bangladesh