In a busy week and a simple felling job that was to “go quickly,” a back cut was begun without much forethought on a routine felling, half way through the back cut experience informed me that I should have taken that extra time to think this process through. “I should have done a bore cut.” I thought to myself. “This thing could split…stay on the cut!” I thought, anticipating what I knew now was a strong possibility…a barber chair could occur at any moment. I had no choice but to attempt to beat it to the finish line…nope, time to abort. With no real consequence to the situation I was glad to have the unique footage of a rare event. I was even happier to find the last of six fellings on this job presented a perfect specimen for a bore cut method that would have prevented my earlier barber chair. So in a matter of one hour I was able to gather the footage for this short tutorial on how to avoid a barber chair. Please like and subscribe and thanks for watching. Remember to visit