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Baroness Behind Bars! Duke #2 (Energon Universe Discussion) | G.I. JOE Skybound/Image Comics 2024

Moonbase Three 5,468 1 year ago
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This second issue of Duke continues Skybound's G.I. Joe continuity, finding Duke on the run, besieged by enemies from all directions. As the walls close in, Duke finds himself hunted by Hawk's soldiers - Stalker and Rock 'n Roll! But when things look at their most bleak, a new opportunity presents itself as the Baroness proposes an alliance! In this video, I break down the second issue of Duke, a book that is quickly becoming one of my favorite titles in Skybound's Energon Universe, a shared comics universe featuring G.I. Joe, Transformers, and Void Rivals. Subscribe here for more: Shout out and special thanks to MickDansforth who updates the Energon Universe wiki entries on Joepedia and generously links to this channel. Check out Joepedia here: Duke #2 (Skybound / Image Comics) Published 1/31/2024 Joshua Williamson - Writer Tom Reilly - Artist Jordie Bellaire - Colorist Rus Wooton - Letterer Sean Mackiewicz & Jonathan Manning - Editors Andrez Jaurez - Logo & Publication Design Jillian Crab - Production
