Day 2 — QLD April Ride, Barrington Tops. Today delivered! We embarked on a scenic journey. We started from Scone and followed the winding Hunter River, crossing it multiple times on Hunter Rd. We then turned off onto Tomalla Rd, which led us through picturesque countryside with rolling hills, green landscapes, creeks, and cows. We then continued on Poly Fogal Rd, then Carters Rd, enjoying the beauty of the stunning valleys. The highlight of the route was Curricabark Rd, which provided breathtaking views of the mountainous valleys. We made a lunch stop at Pioneer Lookout on Thunderbolts Way, although the road itself was marred by poor patching. We then travelled to Walcha on Nowendoc Rd, a mix of bitumen and easy gravel, where we visited the Royal Hotel for good coffee. The day concluded with a detour on gravel roads around Gostwyck, visiting Gostwyck Chapel and Captain Thunderbolts' grave in Uralla before stopping for the night. Overall, it was a fantastic day of stunning riding.
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