This is the third lesson in the Reformed Academy course, Van Til and Barth: A Confessionally Reformed Critique, taught by Dr. Jim Cassidy and Dr. Lane Tipton. This lesson covers the following topics:
0:00 Introduction
3:30 No Transition from Wrath to Grace
6:08 Barth's Nominalist-Realist View
9:24 Barth's Subjective View
13:30 Barth's Rejection of the Cross-Resurrection Sequence
19:24 Barth's Justification Idea
21:12 Barth's Denial of the God-man Confrontation in History
25:48 Barth's Alleged Universalism
27:55 Geschichte and Universalism
30:43 The Freedom of God in Geschichte
33:31 Reprobation in Christ
36:06 Barth's Qualification
43.32 Conclusion
Register for this free on-demand course on our website in order to access supplemental materials, track your progress, and assess your understanding through quizzes for each lesson. You will also receive free access to the rest of Dr. Tipton’s 8-part series in our Fellowship in Reformed Apologetics, which contains dozens of hours of instruction on the theology and apologetics of Cornelius Van Til.
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