#sabeelpodcast #sabeelmedia #olmapodcast | Alam e barzakh kya hai? عالم برزخ کیا ہے
Barzakh - journey of the soul after death | Barzakh ki Zindagi Kesi Hogi?
Timestamps :
00:00 : Intro
03:30 : Maut kya hai? Imam As ki Zabani
09:10 : Sakraat e Maut aur Maut ke Waqt ki takleef mein farq
11:25 : Sakraat e Maut se bachne wale Aamal
18:00 : Barzakh ke Mana kya hai?
22:00 : Jasad aur Jism Mein Kya Farq Hai? /Barzakh mein kaisa jism hoga?
28:00 : Barzakh agr Jaza ki jagah hai to phir Aakherat mein kaun si jaza mile gi?
33:00 : Wo Shia jin ke Nama e Aamal mein koi kami rah gai ho
37:00 : Marne ke baad hamara kaun sa Amal Baqi rahe ga?
42:00 : Rooh ki Zindagi kis cheez mein hai?
50:00 : Barzakh ki Gheza kya hai?
54:00 : Sab Se pahle kis ke khelaf Faisla hoga?
57:00 : Marne walo ke Rishtedaro ki Zimedari kya hai ?
01:01:00 : Marne Wale ka Hadiya Kya hai?
01:05:00 : Behtreen Rewayat
1. Maulana Syed Waqar Ahmad Kazmi Sahab
2. Maulana Aqeel Abbas Maroofi Sahab
3. Maulana Ali Imam Azmi Sahab
01. The Holy Quran
02. Hadith
عن أبی عبدالله علیه السلام قال: ما من موضع قبر إلا وهو ینطق کل یوم ثلاث مرات: أنا بیت التراب، أنا
بیت البلاء، أنا بیت الدود، قال: فإذا دخله عبد مؤمن قال: مرحبا وأهلا أما والله لقد کنت احبک وأنت تمشی على ظهری فکیف إذا دخلت بطنی فسترى ذلک قال: فیفسح له مد البصر ویفتح له باب یرى مقعده من الجنة قال: ویخرج من ذلک رجل لم تر عیناه شیئا قط أحسن منه
On the authority of Abu Abdullah, peace be upon him, he said: There is no place in a grave without him saying three times every day: I am a house of dust, I am a house of affliction, I am a house of worms. He said: If a believing servant enters it, he says: Welcome and welcome. But by God, I used to love you while you walked on my back. So how will it be if you enter my belly and you will see that? He said: Then his grave will expand for him by the length of the eye and a door will be opened for him and he will see his seat in Paradise. He said: And from that will emerge a man whose eyes have never seen anything better than it.
فیقول: یاعبدالله ما رأیت
شیئا قط أحسن منک فیقول: أنا رأیک الحسن الذی کنت علیه وعملک الصالح الذی کنت تعمله قال: ثم تؤخذ روحه فتوضع فی الجنة حیث رأى منزله ثم یقال له: نم قریر العین فلا یزال نفحة من الجنة تصیب جسده یجد لذتها وطیبها حتى یبعث، قال:
He says: O Abdullah, what you saw, Nothing has ever been better than you, and he says: I am in your good opinion and the good deeds that you used to do. He said: Then his soul is taken and placed in Paradise where he saw his abode. Then he is told: Sleep with peace of mind, and the whiff of Paradise continues to afflict his body and he finds its pleasure and goodness until... He sent, he said:
و إذا دخل الکافر قال: لا مرحبا بک ولا أهلا أما والله لقد کنت ابغضک وأنت تمشی على ظهری فکیف إذا دخلت بطنی سترى ذلک، قال: فتضم علیه فتجعله رمیما ویعاد کما کان ویفتح له باب إلى النار فیرى مقعده من النار، ثم قال: ثم إنه یخرج منه رجل أقبح من رأى قط قال: فیقول: یا عبدالله من أنت؟ ما رأیت شیئا أقبح منک، قال: فیقول: أنا عملک السیئ، الذی کنت تعمله ورأیک الخبیث قال: ثم تؤخذ روحه فتوضع حیث رأى مقعده من النار، ثم لم تزل نفخة من النار تصیب جسده فیجد ألمها وحرها فی جسده إلى یوم یبعث ویسلط الله على روحه تسعة وتسعین تنینا تنهشه لیس فیها تنین ینفخ على ظهر الارض فتنبت شیئا.
And when the infidel enters, he says: You are neither welcome nor welcome, but by God, I used to hate you while you were walking on my back, so how if you entered my belly you would see that? He said: So you hug him and make him ashes, and he will be restored to what he was, and a door to the Fire will be opened for him, and he will see his place in the Fire. Then he said: Then he said: A man emerges from him uglier than anyone he has ever seen, and he says: O Abdullah, who are you? I have never seen anything uglier than you. He said: Then he says: I am your bad deed, which you used to do, and your evil opinion. He said: Then his soul is taken and placed where he saw his seat in the Fire. Then the breath of the Fire continues to strike his body and he feels its pain and heat in his body until the day he is resurrected and God will give power over him. His soul is ninety-nine dragons that devour it. There is no dragon in it that blows on the surface of the earth so that it produces anything.
Behar al anwar V6 P266
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