BASIC CROCHET: Cross stitch single crochet|NoLi Handmade
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If you are left-handed, please watch the video here:
If you are right-handed, please watch the video here:
Single stitch, is among basic stitches that one is expected to know at beginner level of crochet. The name of the stitch is abbreviated to sc and it is symbolised by an X in Vietnamese symbol tab. One interesting fact about this stitch is that it could be categorized into 2 types: Cross (x) stitch and V stitch.
In a previous lesson, I gave you the instruction on V stitch single crochet and if you have not checked it out, here is the link to it:
So today, I will introduce to you the other type of single stitch which is cross stitch single crochet. The primary difference between cross (X) stitch and V stitch is where the hook is positioned during the process. While V stitch technique requires that you bring the yarn over the hook, X stitch technique entails bringing the hook over the yarn before pulling it back through the stitch. This explains why you are able to create cross-shaped crochets on the surface of the product.
Highlights: Cross stitch single crochet is preferable to V stitch single crochet in crocheting amigurumi stuffed animals. This technique produces noticeable ribbing on the surface of the work and it seems to pull the stitches together, ensuring that the work withstands stuffing without substantially loosening up the stitches. This conclusion is purely drawn from my personal experience.
Whether you choose cross stitch or V stitch for your amigurumi project does not make much of a difference if your crochets come out neat. So feel free to adopt the technique that suits you best to go about your project!
The whole course on basic crochet could be viewed in the link right here:
#crochet #howtocrochet #crochettutorial
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