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Batu Arang 煤炭山 The Heritage Town 遗迹城镇 #jaychansolo

JayChanSolo 3,010 2 years ago
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煤炭山位于雪兰莪州鹅唛悬,离开吉隆坡大约50公里,早期因盛产煤矿,这里曾经亦被誉为 “小金山”,所以这里是英国殖民地时期,雪兰莪区第二大的城镇,但随着50年代煤炭被柴油取代,煤矿公司在冲击之下在1961年正式关闭,煤炭山繁华不复,也逐渐淡出在人们的视线里。 这里的城镇充满历史故事,若有时间不妨可以来半日游。 **您的订阅是我的拍摄动力;记得订阅,按赞和分享哦。谢谢支持!** Batu Arang is located in Gombak district, Selangor, it is about 50 km away from Kuala Lumpur. In the early days, it was also known as "Little Golden Triangle" because of its rich coal mines. Therefore, it was the second largest town in Selangor during the British colonial period. In the 50s, coal was replaced by diesel, and the coal mining company was officially closed in 1961 under the impact. The towns here are full of historical stories, and if you have time, you may wish to take a half-day tour. **Your subscription is driving my passion; remember to subscribe, like and share. Thank you for your support! ** #jaychansolo
