I'm going to avoid reading comments until I'm done playing Chapter 1 in its entirety to avoid spoilers! If you have left me a message on any platform, I'm also avoiding social media for the same reason ;-; I promise I will respond as SOON as I am done!! But guys did the team cook or what
00:00:00 Blackout
00:09:09 BDA
00:23:19 Investigation - Crime Scene
00:47:15 Investigation - Storage Rooms
01:01:19 Investigation - Hallway
01:07:19 Investigation - Room
01:15:44 Investigation - Dining Room
01:25:09 Investigation - Laundry Room
01:28:03 Investigation - Courtyard
01:32:47 Pre-Trial
Project: Eden's Garden is a non-profit Danganronpa fangame. Taking the formula of the murder-mystery video game and applying it to an entirely new world, with new characters and stories to tell, this is a small project that is dedicated to recreating the magic of the works that inspired it.
Play Project: Eden's Garden:
▸Itch.io: https://project-edens-garden.itch.io/projecteg
▸GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/Projectedengarden/769796