be sure to check this "Corsair Awakening Bible" made by siegey @SiegDoesThings if you have not! it's google docs which explain basically everything about awakening corsair
this video guide is more like a tips and trick in playing awakening corsair, from explaining about combo to managing your stamina, and I will also be explaining about my playstyle, but I will not deep dive on the basic things about awakening corsair, for everything about awakening corsair, can check the docs above!
currently I'm actively streaming at I stream mostly PvP with awk corsair, feel free to tune in and ask anything
thank you for watching, I hope this guide will help you better in playing her :D
00:00 KEKW
00:06 Opening
00:15 What I will not yap about and the docs that explain it
00:43 What I will yap about
01:23 Sum quick plug (
01:40 What is Awakening Corsair
02:00 Strong/Weakness of Awakening Corsair
02:33 Subject 1 : Positioning
03:03 Positioning 1 : Sea mist
04:59 Positioning 2 : Mareca swing into smooth sailing
06:58 Positioning 3 : General Positioning vs other classes
07:40 Subject 2 : Combo
08:02 Combo : The Basic
09:16 Combo 1 : Sea mist catch
10:58 Combo 2 : Grab catch
11:35 Other combo(s)
12:00 Subject 3 : My Playstyle
12:27 My Playstyle 1 : Locked Skill (Pre-awk)
14:32 My Playstyle 2 : No locked skill in Awk
14:36 My Playstyle 3 : Rabam Selection
16:46 My Playstyle 4 : Addons
18:52 Subject 4 : General Tips & Trick
18:59 Tips & Trick 1 : Increasing your range cheese
20:13 Tips & Trick 2 : Managing your stamina
22:17 Tips & Trick 3 : Maximum jump height
22:42 Tips & Trick 4 : Utilize your pre-awk skills!
23:44 Tips & Trick 5 : DR or Evasion? (My opinion)
25:08 Closing
25:25 CHECK SIEGEY DOCS IF YOU HAVE NOT! (link in description)
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