In this video, we will go over everything you need to know to pump in the new 11.1 Raid Liberation of Undermine. Concise but packed with knowledge, you will quickly master the art of druid healing..
discord: Yari
00:00 - Intro
00:26 - %100 uptime list
01:57 - Clearcasting Proc
02:19 - Blooming Infusion
02:56 - What is Ramp?
04:05 - How we Ramp?
04:40 - Outside of Ramp
04:58 - Logic behind healing
06:19 - Resources
06:56 - Outro
#worldofwarcraft #restoration #druid #wow #gaming #guide #restodruid #season2 #11.1 #undermine #rotation #patch #druid