This video was developed triggered by the other video titled, "I had a dream - It was about to "Be sincere and truthful"
Since the idea is the same, I will paste the description I made for that video mentioned above - as shown below:
I met many people often in business but it was much more than that. It was about how to collect the wisdom of people.
I met people in organization from various positions and asked about how they run their own mni company and relate with customers and suppliers, bankers and employees etc.
From asking those questions to many people, I find bottle neck and any blockages that does not help the organization to collect the wisdom of people in a most meaningful way.
Having done that with many companies, I realized I can use the same principle to myself such that I can collect the wisdom and compassion from within so that I can aim to live my life with the idea of "May all beings be happy."
The dream was about that with various ideas pointing the same core principle: Be sincere and truthful in whatever I do.
Mr. Cho, Ohnno, Moriya, a story of Kuroko - etc. all pointing to this very point.
I believe I had this dream due to the fact that I finished a task with a help of AI such that I can practice the idea of being sincere and truthful in this specific example.
May all beings be happy
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