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It’s Lisa Bilyeu and get ready for an inspiring and super insightful episode of Women of Impact that is all about how to actually change your life so you’re always moving towards living a life with more purpose and confidence and that’s actually authentic to YOU!!
Today’s guest is sharing her step-by-step roadmap that she’s taught to thousands of women to do just that, it’s my homie, Dr. Sonja!
Dr. Sonja is a retired U.S Army Major and combat veteran, a mother of 3, and an 8-figure business owner. From the battlefield to the boardroom, this woman is a TOTAL BADASS, and she has overcome SOOOO many challenges in her life – including a long, painful divorce – BUT despite all of that she has endured and she’s sharing her stories and lessons to help women like you and me learn from her hardships and be able to get back up every single time you get knocked down!!
In this episode we’re talking all about:
- How to endure, even when it gets SOOO damn hard, and not let feeling ashamed or guilty stop you back from LIVING YOUR BEST DAMN LIFE!!!
- The 4 aspects you should focus on to move towards something that will bring you purpose in life
- How to build your resilience (it’s a SKILL SET!)
- The difference between being strong vs. powerful
- The power that comes from harmonizing your life instead of balancing it
- What to focus on when you feel like quitting & giving up
- How to make the most out of the lessons and journey of your life
- Dealing with the different “battlefields” in your life and how you can look at them differently
- What to do when you are tempted to just settle with the hand you're dealt
- The 7 warrior woman traits you need to find your POWER and live your life on your own terms!!
- How to decide if you want to stay on the “battlefield” situation that’s going on in your life
- The HEALTHY discipline method to get you where you want to be
- The power of the RIGHT self-care routine FOR YOU
- How you can be a strong, powerful woman AND be with a man that takes care of you
- The beautiful possibilities that come AFTER you have the courage to leave!!
This episode is FULL of tactical tips and takeaways to elevate your life, so make sure to listen up homie, because it’s NEVER too late to be a warrior woman, but you HAVE TO take action to make it happen!!!
Chapter Markers:
😓 [00:00] Facing trauma and overcoming hardships
👊 [18:30] Break barriers for the life you want
🛡️ [36:08] Facing your battlefields
❤️ [50:39] Using a difficult experience for good
👀 [1:00:10] Navigating guilt, shame, and self-acceptance
💗 [1:29:21] It’s never too late to embrace change & empowerment
❌ [1:43:51] Seeking validation & embracing fear
Follow Dr. Sonja Stribling:
Website: https://drsonjabrands.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamdrsonja/
Order “From the Battlefield to the Boardroom”: https://a.co/d/c5VdypN
Follow Me, Lisa Bilyeu:
Website: https://www.radicalconfidence.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisabilyeu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisabilyeu
X: https://twitter.com/lisabilyeu
If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/lisabilyeu
Themes: Confidence, Relationships, Business, Mental Health, Self-Improvement