🆓PGN Files: https://www.chessgeek.org/free-masterclasses/kings-indian-defense 🆓
Welcome to the start of the King's Indian Defense Masterclass. This masterclass will cover the King's Indian Defense,, one of the most popular chess openings. This opening is played by many top chess players, including World Champions such as Garry Kasparov. This masterclass will cover EVERY Line that is critical to learn.
Specifically, here are the chapters of the course:
Chapter 0: Introduction to the King's Indian Defense
Chapter 1: Classical King's Indian with 9.Ne1
Chapter 2: Classical King's Indian with 9.b4 (Bayonet)
Chapter 3: Classical King's Indian with 9.Nd2
Chapter 4: Samisch King's Indian (f3)
Chapter 5: Four Pawns Attack King's Indian (f4)
Chapter 6: Fianchetto King's Indian (g3)
Chapter 7: Exchange Variation King's Indian (dxe5)
Chapter 8: Petrosian Variation King's Indian (d5)
Chapter 9: Gligoric System King's Indian
Chapter 10: Averbakh System King's Indian
Chapter 11: Makogonov System King's Indian (h3)
Chapter 12: London System King's Indian
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00:00 - Intro :)
00:49 - Basics of the Classical with 9.Ne1
03:31 - What we cover in this video
04:46 - 10.Be3 Theory & Example Games
12:53 - 10. Nd3 11. Bd2 Theory & Example Game
17:44 - 10.f3 11.g4 Theory & Example Game
21:30 - Overview / Review of Ideas