Kagura Dance
A traditional art of Japan brings mortal and immortal together in a celebration of life
The traditional performance of kagura offered at shrine festivals and rites is derived from the word 'kamukura' or 'kamikura', a 'seat of God' expressing the belief that each shrine is a holy place. To the music of flutes, drums, and other ancient instruments,
the dancers entice the God to this seat, and it is in these moments when one's sense
of being alive is at its highest. Kagura also traces its history back to Japanese mythology. When Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, hid herself away in a heavenly cave, the Goddess Amenouzume began to dance in front of the cave, and the laughter
of the watching immortals drew the Sun Goddess back out of the darkness. This is believed to be the beginning of kagura dance. Due to its proximity to Shimane Prefecture or land of this Izumo mythology, kagura thrives in the north of Hiroshima Prefecture, where even children form kagura dance groups. The gentle swaying of the dance entertains the Gods as mortal and immortal join in a celebration of life. The vitality
and hospitality of our ancestors lives on in this kagura dance.