Contact for sale:
WhatsApp 62992347828
Contact Tizzo fabrics (62) 98214-8619
Material used in this quilt
Tricoline Brown (0.50 cm fabric)
1 square 17,5x17, 5cm
Or 18 squares 17. 5x17. 5cm
Tricoline orange print ( 0,60 cm fabric )
4 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
Or 72 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
Red Tricoline ( 1 meter of fabric )
8 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
Or 144 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
Green Tricoline ( 1 meter of fabric )
4 squares 10. 5x10. 5cm
Or 72 squares 10. 5x10. 5cm
8 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
Or 144 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
Printed black Tricoline ( 3 yards of fabric)
8 squares 9. 5x9. 5
Or 144 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
4 squares 9. 5x9. 5
Or 72 squares 9. 5x9. 5cm
4 squares 10. 5x10. 5cm
Or 72 squares 10. 5x10. 5cm
4 rectangles 9,5x17,5cm
Or 72 rectangles 9.5x17.5cm
5cm strips to connect one block to the other
Tricoline white printed (4.5 meters of fabric )
4 rectangles 17,5x25,5cm
Or 72 rectangles 17.5x25. 5cm
Lining 3 meters 30 wire mesh fabric