コラロド州Ouray(ユーレイ)を舞台とした山岳レースOuray 100。
総距離170km、累積獲得標高 13,000m、最高標高地点 4,000m、平均的な標高 3,200m、この過酷なコースを走る The North Face アスリート ランナー志村裕貴。
Beautiful Strangers は志村裕貴とOuray100に参加した全てのランナー、そしてレースをサポートするボランティア、ランナーをサポートするペーサーとサポーターたちを追った珠玉のスポーツドキュメンタリーである。
"Beautiful Strangers" is a magnificent sports documentary which colorfully portrays THE NORTH FACE official runner, Hiroki Shimura and the competing runners of Ouray 100, a grueling endurance race held in Ouray, Colorado. The numerous volunteers, pacers, and supporters of the race are also featured in this film.
Taking place in the wonderful nature of Colorado, Ouray 100 boasts a total distance of 170 kilometers, cumulative altitude gain of 13,000 meters, peak altitude of 4,000 meters, and average altitude of 3,200 meters.
The altitude, rainstorm, and extreme temperature shifts all went well beyond Hiroki's expectations, challenging his physical and mental limits. This is a documentary of the non-stop 36 hours which he spent to complete the race, where only 32 of the 100 participating runners made it to the finish line.
#Ouray100 #trailrunning #TheNorthFace