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Become Rich Using Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations | Millionaire Mindset & Abundance Money

Paramporul Foundation 149,786 3 years ago
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Instagram : mahavishnuk Become Rich Using Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations in Tamil. Millionaire Mindset & Abundance Money explanation. This is not rich people vs. poor people. There are many poor people with a rich mindset, financially poor due to circumstances. And there are many trust fund babies with a poor mindset. Rich mindset understands that the first goal is to gain a surplus of resources. Then, to use that surplus to accelerate things. Accelerate education. Accelerate a business. Accelerate the next generation. A poor mindset immediately sees a surplus as an opportunity for consumption. Online Zoom "Enlightenment Class" with Bramma Sri Mahavishnu, Online Registration Form -​ (Free of Cost For Students, as the Future is all about Youngsters) Direct Class Registration Form (Fixed Donation for All. Free Direct Classes will be conducted soon. Don't fill this form if you wish to attend online class) - Ask Your Question With Mahavishnu to Get Answer - Office : 9345780027, 9500634448, 8110811058 For daily Annadhanam & Other Charity Activity Contributions: NAME : PARAMPORUL FOUNDATION AC NO : 92101 00481 52241 IFSC: UTIB0000210 SAVINGS TRUST AC AXIS BANK TIRUPUR MAIN BRANCH (80G Certificate will be provided for the needful persons to file INCOME TAX to avail donations credit) Make G-Pay, Phone-Pe & other Wallet Donations : Mahavishnu is the Founder of PARAMPORUL FOUNDATION. He is a Writer, Spiritual activist, Film Director, Motivational Speaker, Certified Reiki Healer, Standup comedian & Mental Care Counsellor. He was a public figure who performed on several Satellite Television channels like Sun Network & more. He was also featured in various print & visual media channels like- Deccan Chronicle, Times of India, The Hindu, Thanthi TV, News 18, Dinamalar, Dinathanthi, Dinamani, News 7 & more! In this channel, you will find enlightening & inspiring Motivational Videos in Tamil. Watch More Enlightening Videos below. Email : paramporulfoundation (at) gmail (dot) com Facebook : Instagram : Website : DISCLAIMER: ALL SUBSTANCE AND CONTEMPLATIONS SAID/GUIDED IN THIS VIDEO ARE PERSONAL INFORMATION AND ARE ACCOMMODATED ENLIGHTENING/GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES AS IT WERE. IT'S ANYTHING BUT A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE EXHORTATION OF A SPECIALIST OR EXPERT CLINICAL OR OTHER WELLBEING COUNSEL. IT IS NEITHER PROPOSED NOR SUGGESTED TO BE SO. CONTINUOUSLY LOOK FOR THE COUNSEL OF QUALIFIED CLINICAL EXPERTS OR YOUR DOCTOR WITH RESPECT TO YOUR WELLBEING AND PRACTICES TO FOLLOW - NEVER DISREGARD IT. WE RENOUNCE ANY LIABILITIES THAT MAY EMERGE FROM/COMPARABLE TO THE SUBSTANCE OF THIS VIDEO. #lawofattraction #abundancemeaning #howtobecomerich #wealthmanagement #millionairelifestyle #millionairemindset #billionaire
