Well the hot topic right now is Colony Collapse, or colapse as Bruce prefers. While going through my Apiary, I found more dead, and discuss this issue.
UPDATE: I find 3 colonies that look really great. So that is a plus.
Thanks for watching. Like & Subscribe to follow the Journey,
Website: castlehives.com
Queen Right Dial: queenrightdial.com
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Below are Links to some of the Equipment and Products that I use in the Apiary at Castle Hives. Look no further than Rob at Lorob Bees for your Vaporizer, amazing customer service and product. Suiting up for an Inspection, toss on an AWESOME vented jacket from Terry at Guardian Bee Apparel. Looking for a supplement, try Hive Alive. The number 1 rated supplement. Use code BRIAN10 to get 10% off HiveAlive supplement and HiveAlive fondant. Looking for an Insulated Hive, look no further than Apimaye.
Lorob Bees Vaporizer: VCRVT23G to save 5%
Guardian Bee Apparel: https://guardianbeeapparel.com/
Hive Alive: Code BRIAN10 to save 10%
Apimaye Insulated Bee Hives: https://apimayeusa.com/CastleHives
0:00 - Intro
0:18 - Checking what is Alive
1:32 - Finding Devastation
2:24 - Final Thoughts
6:34 - Hive Bodies Waiting ! !
Equipment Used to Film:
GoPro Hero 12 Black with DJI Mic
Edited with Final Cut Pro X
#beekeeping #ohiobeekeeping #beekeeper #ohiobeekeeper #honeyBees #CastleHives #hiveinspection #apimaye #hivealive #lorobbees #beekeeping2025 #bees #backyardbeekeeping #apiary #honey #beethelighthouse #beethechange #savethebees #beekeepingvlog #colonycollapse #ccd
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