Update 9-27-20 - Guys a mistake in this video was just pointed out to me, so far I have measured a 520L and a 521c, I have not measured a 521L or a 520C yet.
My Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/kensmithfishing2.0/
This is Video 7 in the "Before you buy a bass boat watch this" or The 2020-21 Bass Boat Search series of videos (see playlist on my channel) where I walk you through me spending the day in a bunch of different boat brands and models through the fall of 2020 looking for my next boat. If you didn't see the first 6 videos you can go back and watch them first, (reviewed Bass Cat Puma Hybrid the boat with the Champion 203 style hull, a Charger 210 Elite & a Ranger 521C). This is review of a Ranger Z521L.
In this video I score the boat 1-20 in 5 different categories, Fishability, Performance, Amenities, Fit & Finish and then a 5th catch all that includes feedback from friends that own them, trailer, options, feedback from fiberglass shops in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas asking them what they see as the best 3 boats, based upon construction, currently being built (since they see how we beat them up). And then we ask them which they see the most non-impact damage to the hulls with (least well built). Then for tournament anglers we include a 6th 20 point category looking to see who has the best contingency prize package available. Next up is a Caymus!
#ranger520L #beforeyoubuyabassboatwatchthis #greatbassboatsearch2020
In addition to this boat i plan to spend the day in a more traditional Bass Cat go fast boat, a Ranger a Nitro, couple Skeeters, Triton, Falcon, several Phoenix models, a Vexus (if we can find one) a Blazer, a Ballastic, Pro Gator and anything else that my viewers suggest that I can find to try.
See also Shopping for a New Bass boat, Bass boat shopping, Shopping for a new bass boat 2020, which bass boat is right for me, what to know before you buy a bass boat, thinking about buying a new bass boat, buying your first bass boat, buying a new bass boat, best bass boat for the money, what to look for in a bass boat, bass boat walk through, what to look for in a new bass boat, bass boat comparisons, bass boat champion, Ranger walk through, buying a new bass boat tips and tricks, consumer digest bass boat, best value bass boat, best bass boat 2020, best bass boat 2021, top 5 bass boats.
Links from today's videos
Waterland Optics (remember code Ken10 gets you a 10% discount) https://bit.ly/2AqabKo
TackleWarehouse Clearance Items http://bit.ly/2RYCNzi
For electronics help reach out to Jones Trolling Motor & Electronics at 870 773 3474 or https://bit.ly/3gCyuog and please let them know you found them through Ken Smith Fishing
#Kensmithfishing #beforeyoubuyabassboatwatchthis #greatbassboatsearch202021
My camera gear
My camera, mount and wind mic for dash footage:
GoPro Black 5 has best set up for external mic https://amzn.to/3m2DHsL
Rode External Microphone https://amzn.to/33h8zgK
Waybetter Case https://amzn.to/2Ziy6VB
Movo Shoe extender https://amzn.to/35iG8l1
GoPro Gooseneck https://amzn.to/3jWlQlm
GoPro 3.5 Mic Adapter https://amzn.to/3idp6bI
Remote power for camera, phone charge or to jump the boat Weego! https://amzn.to/3ihrCO4
For Transom Mount shots
YOLOtek PowerStick http://bit.ly/3be8E7K
GoPro Hero 8 Black http://bit.ly/2uiRPYR .
Many of you have expressed an interest in supporting Ken Smith Fishing, when you purchase from my partners 6th Sense Fishing using my discount code Ken10, or Tackle Warehouse using one of the links below you are 100% supporting Ken Smith Fishing and your patronage is very much appreciated.
6th Sense Fishing Products https://6thsensefishing.com/ 10% discount code KEN10
If you’re just going shopping at Tackle Warehouse using this link supports Ken Smith Fishing more than you can know http://bit.ly/2S4dFY6
To subscribe please click here http://bit.ly/3bde7Mn
For Rayburn and Toledo Bend Fishing Reports click here http://bit.ly/3bdnyew
For Sam Rayburn navigation and map tips see these two playlists http://bit.ly/39772ed & http://bit.ly/2SkFJ9w
For some of the same gear I use at a discount check out these sites and discount codes:
The best rods and reels in the marketplace today Lew’s Rods http://bit.ly/37HLJQf
Lew’s Reels http://bit.ly/36FJpb2
Gary Yamamoto Custom baits http://bit.ly/36Ixl98
If you aren’t fishing with a ROBOT..you are missing out, check out the Minn Kota Ultrex at http://bit.ly/2RHmBmZ
The BEAST the new Mercury V8 4 Stroke 250 Pro XS http://bit.ly/2tvlhdR
Still looking for Bigfoot, dude if you are out there drop me a note, love to do a video with you.
If you need to reach me my email address is [email protected]
Mercury Fury 3 blade 24 pitch…fastest on my boat https://amzn.to/3bEVrp9
Disclaimer: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links I’ll receive a small commission.