Quantum mechanics is mysterious---but not as mysterious as it has to be. Most quantum equations have close parallels in classical mechanics, where quantum commutators are replaced by Poisson brackets. Get the notes for free here: https://courses.physicswithelliot.com/notes-sign-up
You can't derive quantum mechanics from classical laws like F = ma, but there are close parallels between many classical and quantum equations. Many fundamental quantum equations are expressed as a commutator of operators, such as the canonical commutation relation and the Heisenberg equation of motion. These equations have classical parallels where the quantum commutator is replaced by a classical operation called the Poisson bracket, up to a factor of i hbar. I'll show how Poisson brackets work, and how they mirror these key quantum equations.
Get all the links here: https://www.physicswithelliot.com/poisson-mini
Intro to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics: https://youtu.be/0DHNGtsmmH8
Introduction to the principle of least action: https://youtu.be/sUk9y23FPHk
Noether's theorem: https://youtu.be/O0NYaO_OnH4
Tutoring inquiries: https://www.physicswithelliot.com/tutoring
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About physics mini lessons:
In these intermediate-level physics lessons, I'll try to give you a self-contained introduction to some fascinating physics topics. If you're just getting started on your physics journey, you might not understand every single detail in every video---that's totally fine! What I'm really hoping is that you'll be inspired to go off and keep learning more on your own.
About me:
I’m Dr. Elliot Schneider. I love physics, and I want to help others learn (and learn to love) physics, too. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out with your physics studies, a more advanced student, or a lifelong learner, I hope you’ll find resources here that enable you to deepen your understanding of the laws of nature. For more cool physics stuff, visit me at https://www.physicswithelliot.com.