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Hello and welcome back to my channel – if you’re new here, my name is Rachel.. and here at PencilStash, I do coloring tutorials.. everything from individual techniques to full on color-alongs and all of them have me verbally walking you through what I’m doing, so it’s a great place to learn if you’re new to coloring or even a long-time coloring enthusiast.… so check out the back catalog and subscribe if you’re interested in seeing more
Today, we are going to be continuing our back to basics series. In our last video, I did a high-level overview of coloring for beginners… and today, we’re going to go a bit deeper into one of the fundamental techniques you’ll want to learn, and that is LAYERING.
Color Palette Catalog - Sarah Renae Clark.
Video where I reviewed it! --
Romantic Country Third Tale
Romantic Country Second Tale
Romantic Country
Mythomorphia - Kerby Rosanes
Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils - 150 Set
Faber-Castell Polychromos - 72 Set
Crayola Student Grade - 100 Set
All music used is royalty-free from YouTube