#mmo #mmorpg
Ad-free Videos on Patreon here https://patreon.com/Redbeardflynn
Creators featured in this video:
@Malkail and Natsuna https://www.twitch.tv/malkail
@manofrohan https://www.twitch.tv/manofrohan
@JoppaVash https://www.twitch.tv/joppavash
@Josgar https://www.twitch.tv/josgar https://www.twitch.tv/josgarspins
All direct questions to Joppa where he answers at length are timestamped with (Joppa)
0:00 Interviewing Chris “Joppa” Perkins in Halnir
1:17 Introductions and Classes
3:10 Concerned about Joppa…
4:31 Entrance of Halnir (Shared Dungeon)
5:13 (Joppa) Climate
7:05 (Joppa) Ambient Enemies
7:53 Our First Mistake (wipe 1)
9:29 Death Penalty
10:47 The Quaternity (Tank, Healer, DPS, Support/CC)
11:29 (Joppa) Community Question: What’s up with the UI?
14:13 We were doing so well… (wipe 2)
16:00 (Joppa) Community Question: Quests and Lore and Perception
21:10 The Fight Resumes (More Perception Talk)
22:49 Techniques
23:51 Man of Rohan gets “Slowed” (wipe 3)
24:50 “Train to Zone”
26:17 Techniques and Weapon Types
27:38 (Joppa) Light Flickering/Pixelation and Unity 6
28:47 Resuming the Corpse Run (Enter GuloGulo)
29:52 Train? And Gulogulo saves the day
32:50 (Joppa) Favorite Non-Pantheon Games
34:18 Fighting Resumes
35:43 Cleric Suggestion and more combat and technique discussion
42:02 (Joppa) State of the Game?
43:44 We’re actually winning!
44:22 If you like EQ, you’ll already enjoy the game
46:55 (Joppa) Is Pantheon “Enough” Everquest?
48:29 Intensity, not Slow Paced
51:15 (Joppa) “Enough Everquest” continued
53:05 We’re not dead yet?
56:02 World Items (Spoiler?)
58:28 More Group Play
1:01:00 (Joppa) How do you Prioritize Game Development Needs?
1:05:00 (Joppa) WoW Classic Players
1:09:12 (Joppa) The Bard Class
1:16:36 Try Spinning, That’s a Neat Trick
1:17:40 (Joppa) Epic Quests
1:28:40 (Joppa) Epics continued – Abilities
1:37:20 (Joppa) Final Question
Looking for something to read? I write books! https://amzn.to/3anLg9m
My setup:
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3Be485G
Microphone Boom: https://amzn.to/3vnqSgL
Camera: https://amzn.to/3BhvQye
Camera tripod: https://amzn.to/3gEDsTt
Camera stabilizer: https://amzn.to/3fOS5CN
Highly Recommended Key light: https://amzn.to/45J9R29
DIY light from LED strip: https://amzn.to/3fOS5CN
RGB Floodlights: https://amzn.to/3fKHYP9
Envato Elements used in creation of this video: https://1.envato.market/redbeardflynn
Twitch: twitch.tv/redbeardflynn
Twitter: @redbeardflynn
Instagram: @redbeardflynn
TikTok: @redbeardflynn