It is the Batworld Bendy and the ink machine animation full part,
BatPunkGirl and Maris Roa go on an adventure to get the paint.
have fun!
Batworld series Bendy and the ink machine Horror Game Challenge
BatPunkGirl, and Maris Roa Meet Bendy in Bendy's House!!
***Please Don't Steal my videos, Please be sure to take care of my permission.***
use program : mine-imtor 1.1.4
Credit :
Map Made by Tankooi
Bendy and the Ink Machine (Chapter 1)
Bendy rig by Supah.exe and SansDeGamer55
Bendy steve skin by Hidetai
Pizza Rig by BloxTheRigger
soundtrack / Music :
Kevin MacLeod - Ghostpocalypse - 5 Apotheosis
Kevin MacLeod - Industrial Cinematic
Kevin MacLeod - Nerves
Kevin MacLeod - Stoneworld Battle
Kevin MacLeod - The Path of the Goblin King v2
Kevin MacLeod - Scheming Weasel
Kevin MacLeod - Onion Capers
Kevin MacLeod - Come Play with Me
instagram :
(You can check out many Batworld still cuts in instagram)