I'm so thankful for the people who were willing and able to share their memories for this project. Footage in this compilation includes contributions from close friend and fellow Clevelander David Spero, Grasshopper roadie Steve Dudas, childhood friend Diane Akins, Milkwood bandmate Jim Goodkind, ex-wife Judith Orr, bandmate and hunting buddy Kevin McCarty, bass player Brad Hallen, and fiancee Julie Snider.
This video is likely being uploaded as a supplement for an article I wrote about The Cars. Because the purpose is to non-commercially educate and offer a critical assessment, it is being uploaded under the terms of Fair Use. No copyright infringement intended.
To read my Benjamin Orr blog visit here: https://sweetpurplejune.wordpress.com/
My Elliot Easton blog is here: https://ellioteastonblog.wordpress.com/
I also co-host a podcast all about The Cars! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpBQiSp1iY1nBo2VN3K-fcg
Follow me on Twitter: @sweetpurplejune
I'm on Facebook, too; come find me!
Benjamin Orr page: https://www.facebook.com/sweetpurplejune/
Remembering Big People (Ben's last band) fan group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2505787479636429/
Elliot Easton fan group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/716108028554777/
The Empty Hearts (Elliot's current band) fan group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1652365261749664/
Rock on! ~ Donna