Bernoulli and Binomial random variables are key building blocks for more sophisticated distributions, such as the Normal and Poisson distributions. A Bernoulli random variable takes one of two values, like a coin flip. A Binomial random variable is constructed by repeating several Bernoulli random trials; for example, if we flip 10 coins, the number of heads is a Binomial random variable.
This video was produced at the University of Washington, and we acknowledge funding support from the Boeing Company
%%% CHAPTERS %%%
00:00 Intro
01:12 Defining Bernoulli Variables
05:18 Defining Binomial Variables
11:31 Example: n = 2
15:52 Homework: n = 3
17:54 Homework: Verify Probabilities Sum to 1
19:08 Example: 3 Sixes on 12 Dice Rolls
22:12 Binomial of Large N