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→ https://www.reapertips.com/freebies/the-perfect-setup
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💠 SeventhSam's Article: https://seventhsam.com/guides/blog/6791049/how-to-set-up-reaper-s-midi-editor-for-better-workflow
💠 How I write drums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTYMKf1lJKo
💠 How to save and load layouts using Screensets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRa6yXFGCcM
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🕹 Chapters:
00:00 Overview
00:48 The settings
02:58 The MIDI dock
04:45 How to multi-track edit
06:57 Navigation shortcuts
07:29 Making music using these settings
#reaperdaw #reapertips