Musik-Highlights, Teil 17 aus der Hippie-Bewegung der 60er, 70er und 80er Jahre, bis Heute. Psychedelisch, Kraut, Art, Post, Jazzrock, Prog-Rock, und mehr......
Bekanntes, Unbekanntes und schräges...
Ich konzentriere mich hier vorwiegend auf die echten Schätze.
Music highlights, part 17 from the hippie movement of the 60s, 70s and 80s, up to today. Psychedelic, Kraut, Art, Post, Jazz Rock, Prog Rock, and more...…
Known, unknown and strange...
I concentrate here mainly on the real treasures, and less on musicians that everyone already knows.
Finale Collection, Best Of 17
P Part 2
00:00 Paternoster, Remixes & Versions /1972/2016
01:28 Pakhus 1, Guide /1986
02:25 Pyramidal, Frozen Galaxies /2013
03:24 Pan & Regaliz /1971
04:32 People, Ceremony ~ Buddha Meet Rock /1971
05:33 Pitom, Blasphemy and Other Serious Crimes /2011
06:52 PloZ, Ecorche A Blanc /2007
07:57 Plummer Andrew, Skeleton Blush /2020
09:03 Peacock Annette,Mama Never Taught Me How To Cook The Aura Years 1978-1982
10:19 PoiL, Sus /2019, PoiL Ueda, Yoshitsune /2023
11:54 Pinnella Michael,Enter By the Twelfth Gate /2010
12:57 Pallem Fred, Le Sacre du Tympan /2022
13:50 Platurno, Insano /2010
14:33 Plastic People of the Universe, Egon Bondy's Happy Hearts Club Banned /1978
15:45 Pollen /1976
16:50 Pochakaite Malko /2001
17:46 Psynkopat, Har Vi Någon Stil.... /1978
18:29 Phog, El Castillo /2020
19:15 Pale Mannequin, Colours of Continuity /2021
20:07 Paladin, Charge! /1972
21:02 Pan-Ra, Musique De L'Atlantide /1976
22:06 Polite Force, Canterbury Knights /1976
22:54 Potemkine, Nicolas II /1978
23:48 Põhja Konn, Hetk. Inspereeritud Tüürist /2019
24:59 Poseidon, Found My Way /1975
25:58 Pura Realidad /2007
27:01 Purple Haze, Enjoy Your Dinner /1981
27:39 Project Patchwork, ReFlection /2018
28:44 Psyche Bugyo, Psychedelic Judgeman /2011
29:49 Highlights:
30 Pain of Salvation, Panther /2020
31 Porcupine Tree, The Sky Moves Sideways /1995
Music Info, CDs & Vinyl: