Album: Best of Ayub Bachchu
Singer: Ayub Bacchu
Label: Soundtek
00:00 Ami Kosto Pete Valobashi
05:04 Tara Vora Rate
09:20 Kotodin Dekhini Du'Chokh
15:32 Ekhon Onek Raat
23:27 Cholo Bodle Jai
28:59 Rupali Guitar
34:27 Madhobi
42:35 Rajkumari
47:31 Akash Kade Batash Kade
52:22 Tumi Hina
58:20 Palate Chai
1:03:55 Nilanjona
♦Best of Soundtek:
© Soundtek 2020
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Soundtek Electronics Ltd.
Managing Director: Sultan Mahmood Babul
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Email: bdsoundtek@gmail.com