万能的千层酥皮, 用这款酥皮可以制作各类超级好吃的点心,比如拿破仑,蝴蝶酥,葡式蛋挞,苹果派等。经过了4次三折加上一次四折的酥皮,层层酥脆, 酥脆到掉渣。
#千层酥皮 #蝴蝶酥 #puffpastry #palmier #萨姐的南腔北调
原料 (以下配方可以制作12个大蝴蝶酥)
高筋面粉 200克
凉水 110克
无盐黄油 165克
白砂糖 (撒表面)15-20克
白砂糖 (裹面) 30-40克
** 预热烤箱风炉模式180C/360F
** 风炉模式180C/360F,烤制25分钟, 12分钟后翻面
Today I’m going to share with you how to make a versatile puff pastry. You can make all kinds of super delicious desserts with this pastry, such as Napoleon, palmiers, Portuguese egg tart, apple pie, etc . After 4 half turn and 1 book turn, it comes out to 324 layers, which makes the pastry extremely crispy.
Bakers flour 200g
Cold water 110g
Salt 2g
Unsalted butter 165g
White sugar 15-20g
White sugar (coating) 30-40g
** Preheat the oven to 180C/360F (fan-forced mode)
** Bake at 180C/360F(fan-forced mode) for 25 mins. Turn over after baking for 12 mins