Best Selling Toys Of All Time!
Toys are something every kid loves and no matter when you grew up I'm sure you had your favorites. Many toys have come and gone on the market but some have been around awhile. A select few of those still around have been mega sellers in the toy market. In this video we will take a look at some of the best selling toys of all time!
#toys #nostalgia #memories
0:00 Intro
0:25 Barbie Doll
1:11 Yo-yo
2:04 Easy Bake Oven
2:40 Radio Flyer Wagon
3:10 Silly Putty
4:26 Transformers
5:11 G.I. Joe
6:01 Hot Wheels
6:53 Etch-A-Sketch
7:31 Lego Blocks
8:20 Mr. Potato Head
9:04 Hula Hoop
9:40 Star Wars Toys
10:28 Rubik's Cube
11:04 Super Soaker Water Gun