When the going gets tough, nothing beats the security of a solid fixed blade on your hip. Check out our picks for the best survival knives of 2021 here: https://kcoti.com/3dtDwCk
A good survival knife should be able to stand up to punishing situations and laugh in their face, while still being easy enough to carry without fatigue. If you’d rather carry a folder, we even have a few options that could be pressed into “survival” duty without breaking a sweat. You can browse our selection below and check out David’s criteria for judging a good survival knife.
More survival knives:
Cold Steel SRK series: https://kcoti.com/33GqhKa
Schrade SCHF1: https://kcoti.com/3bo0Pf2
Gerber StrongArm: https://kcoti.com/3ahYMcl
Fallkniven S1 and F1 survival knives: https://kcoti.com/39hiVhx
KA-BAR Becker BK7: https://kcoti.com/2WDvjWo
ESEE-5 and ESEE-6 Series: https://kcoti.com/2vMnwdV
Nordsmith Pilgrim: https://kcoti.com/2QHjASJ
Cold Steel AD-10: https://kcoti.com/33FA8jw
Benchmade Freek: https://kcoti.com/33JGu1h
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