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**Find the show notes @ https://bonecoach.com/yoga-pilates-osteoporosis-with-sherri-betz
Best exercises for osteoporosis. Worst exercises for osteoporosis.
Want to know how to PREVENT FRACTURE through safe OSTEOPOROSIS EXERCISE? Want to know what osteoporosis exercises BUILD BONE, which ones don’t, and which ones can LEAD TO INJURY (the answers might SHOCK you!)? Want to know if YOGA and PILATES should be a part of your OSTEOPOROSIS PLAN. This episode is going to tell you exactly that, so you’re going to want to stay to the end.
1:25 Who is Dr. Sherri Betz?
3:02 How Sherri’s developed a passion for helping people with osteoporosis (hip fracture played a role)
8:50 What are yoga and pilates?
12:07 What are prerequisites for starting a yoga or pilates practice?
13:12 Can you hinge at the hips without bending at the spine… very important for protecting from fracture.
13:58 If you have back pain, it needs to be addressed before loading your bones.
14:07 How to build a safe exercise routine to avoid fracture (spine and fracture are most vulnerable)
14:44 Spine protection are fall prevention are two most important concepts
16:34 How to challenge yourself with resistance and strength training safely (good form is a must)
17:23 What builds muscle strength also builds bone.
17:31 If you’re doing 20-30 reps of something, you’re building endurance
18:51 One of Sherri’s favorite exercises
19:35 Strengthen the thoracic spine helps build bone in the spine
20:34 Difference between the lumbar spine and the thoracic spine
25:29 Distance from hip to rib could be an indicator of lumbar fracture
27:01 Why it’s important to heal properly if you have fractured
28:03 Sinaki study. Exercise is better than kyphoplasty for prevention of future fractures.
30:05 Safe exercise we be doing and which ones we should absolutely avoid
30:44 Yoga favorites: Tree pose, half moon, triangle pose (as long as you don’t let spine round), warrior 3 pose and others
32:44 Yoga poses to avoid: Forward fold, deep twist with excessive assistance with hands, pigeon pose (depends on hip mobility), overpressure, shoulder stand, and plow
36:07 Stenosis vs osteoporosis
36:28 For scoliosis… the schroth technique is helpful.
38:21 Sherri’s favorite Pilates exercises. Single-leg kick, push-ups, side bend, shoulder bridge, leg pull (great for hips and spine), the swan, double leg kick, swimming (pilates)
39:56 Sinaki research. Less fractures in those who do extension work. Greater numbers of fractures in people who practice flexion exercises.
40:29 Water exercises don’t build bone
41:13 Walking is good for maintaining bone health and for longevity and well-being but it doesn’t build bone.
41:55 Strength training builds bone and muscle strength. Endurance exercise for the heart.
42:48 Bone density gains of any amount, even not losing, are a win.
44:19 Where to find Sherri
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The information contained within this episode should not be considered medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare team and trained medical professionals before making any medical decisions and changes to your diet, lifestyle, and exercise routine.
I'm here to support you to better health and stronger bones. If you're newly-diagnosed with osteoporosis or your recent DXA results still show bone loss... click this link to head to https://bonecoach.com and learn what you need to do RIGHT NOW to improve.
Your Bone Coach
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