Celebrating the 60th anniversary of "Bewitched," this special one-hour documentary takes viewers on a captivating journey behind the scenes of one of the most iconic sitcoms in television history. From the show's conception to the eight years it graced the airwaves, the documentary unveils set secrets, audience trivia, and delves into the social issues that directly influenced its production.
Featuring rare cast interviews, unforgettable memories, and an in-depth analysis of special episodes, this production is a true love letter to the enduring legacy of "Bewitched." Relive the show's unique magic and discover why it continues to enchant generations, even six decades after its debut.
Documentary by: DANIEL HENARES
✉️ contatohenares@gmail.com
Narrated by: DAVID PIERCE
English Translations: RODRIGO VARANDAS
00:00 - The Magic Begins
02:47 - Elizabeth Montgomery & William Asher
05:14 - Casting
09:17 - From the Pilot to Success
15:18 - The Arrival of Tabitha, Serena, and Jeannie!
22:26 - Magic in Color, Feminism, and Farewells
28:07 - Special Effects + International Success
31:47 - York's Health Problems
36:12 - Dick Sargent's Arrival
41:14 - From The Salem Saga to a Very Special Christmas
45:22 - Season 8 and the End
48:52 - 60th Anniversary & Bewitched until Eternity
We are currently working on Spanish, Italian, and French subtitles. So fans of Hechizada, Vita da Strega, and Ma Sorcière Bien Aimée, please stay tuned!