Fun & Interesting

BFB 1 but loser never shows up

Diamondcup67 2,873,316 5 years ago
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Oh no Loser got lost lol) What they do? finnd out (FANMADE) for the 0.01% who haven't seen BFB 1 before this video, or if you forgot what happened in the first 2 minutes of the original, WATCH NOW also, the apology in the credits is solely directed to the voice actors of said characters [ i am physically incapable of replicating your voices well sorry guys :( ] FOR CLARIFICATION: THIS WILL NOT BECOME A SERIES, JUST A ONE-TIME VIDEO!! again this is fanmade, whether or not this is actually how bfb would play out without loser is beyond my knowledge, this is just my take (also maixi is me lol)
