Previous video!
Music: World of Goo Soundtrack by Kyle Gabler
Tomorrow Corporation
Where it happened:
(And where you can see the canvas history interactively!)
r/place project list:
I found the r/place Wiki's Discord server (links here: to be the most useful. That's where user XylO provided me with a lossless .mkv file that essentially had the entire canvas's history in one file, which was SUPER helpful!
A list of OSC representation in r/place while it was still happening!
(this is where I got the phrase "TWOW Heads" from)
I may be a few weeks late, but finding all the relevant datasets and coding/debugging/calibrating/animating all the visualizations took forever! It's here now though :) And as a plus, I learned so many new techniques with ffmpeg that I'm sure will come in handy in the future, like filtergraphs and all that! Yay