0:00 はじめに
0:35 ウグイス鳴き声
6:29 クロジ鳴き声
11:35 キビタキ鳴き声
15:20 オオルリ鳴き声
17:51 センダイムシクイ鳴き声
撮影 : nikoncoolpix p950
1 hour of birds singing recorded with images of birds chirping in the spring forest. Enjoy the bird songs of the five wild birds in Hokkaido with the sound of the melting snow water sounds recorded in the mountains in the background.
Recommended for working, studying, cooking, etc.
[List of bird calls] About 20 minutes of video is looped 3 times
Japanese Bush Warbler
Grey Bunting
Narcissus Flycatcher
Blue-and-white Flycatcher
Eastern Crowned Warbler
#鳥の鳴き声一覧 #鳥の声 #小鳥のさえずり#野鳥鳴き声 #birdscall #birdsong #birdsounds #自然音 #youtube朝の音楽 #雪解け