Bhadragol, a comedy serial based on the rural lifestyle depicts the ecstatic and agonized life of people through humour.....A popular serial preferred by many people of the world has its own uniqueness and peculiar characteristics.....
It is an apple of everyone's eyes....Artists who have a long experience in different fields present the real story in hilarious way so that people can acquire lesson from it.... It's main purpose is to give a message to all people along with fun...
It is broadcasted in Nepal television every Friday at 8: 45 pm and in our YouTube channel at 9: 30 pm... Don't forget to watch your favorite serial.
Production: Media Hub Pvt. Ltd.
Production Advisor: Som Dhital
Director / Writers: Jyoti Kafle / Ashok Dhital
Editors: Rabin Bhatta, Ashok Chaudhary
Camera: Ramkrishna Kandel
Production Management: Arjun Timelshina
Makeup: Ganesh Khadka
Music: Rajendra Shrestha
Singer: Rajesh Payal Rai
Artists: Jyoti Kafle, Ashok Dhital, Sujit Thapa, Raju Bhujel, Arjun Timelshina, Ram Budhathoki, Dinesh Kafle, Anumati Nepali, Suman Jyoti Neupane, Rajat Bhatta, Riyaz Kafle, Yadab Devkota, Aasish Dhital, Sriju Dahal, and many more.
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