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"Bhaja Govindam - Day 01 / 07" Talk in English by Swami Aparajitananda, Chinmaya Mission Mangaluru.

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Hari Om! Swāmī Aparājitānandajī's question is: "What is the most important thing that can save our life?" Answer is: "seeking God" (Example of Boatman and gentleman story). Bhagavān Ādi Shankarāchārya jī says: "The ONLY important thing is to seek God." And if this is not our final conclusion in life, then we are deluded fools. Before reflecting on the elaboration in the form of spontaneous (as the context shows) verses of Shankarāchārya jī, Swāmījī gives introductory reasons as to why and when the urgency and intensity to seek God is felt and defines "total fulfillment". Swāmījī's explanatory reasoning is a straight from heart commentary in itself, compassionately commanding us to surrender unto God as remedy in difficult times and at all times. Emphasis is laid by the next question: "Can anything be done without God's help?" We also have definitions of "seek God" for seekers and for devotees. We are told that Shankarācharyajī is swift to hammer down any illusion about realities of life claiming bigger importance than God. Here we get 'management guru and big rock' story giving message of first priority - to seek God. The text is full of strong content and lashing verses. Swāmījī gives day to day example of train journey to throw light on our destination and also makes the concepts of short term, long term and life-time goals clear in business language. Advice is to enjoy little joys of life with sweet remembrance of God. Even eating can become yagña karma (Gītā) by right attitude and Govinda can be remembered by right habit (Eg. Gāndhījī). Coming to the first verse, Swāmījī explains how even a liberated person cannot escape death, but can surely defeat the fear of death ( Example of Voltaire and child, Tilak and Ramana Maharshi). We get to know true meaning of Govinda, understanding of the law of life and true investment and greatest loss as told by Upanishads and explained beautifully by Swāmījī. Bhaja Govindam (Introduction, Verse 1)
