[BHIND]해피비가 싹싹 모아온 윰고은.zip (feat.유미의 세포들)
하루만..고은의 프라임세포가 되고싶은~♬
윰고은 모먼트를 영상에서 확인하세요✔
#김고은 #KimGoEun
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[BHIND] Compilation of Yumi-GO EUN collected from Happy B (feat. Yumi's Cells)
Just for a day.. I want to be GO EUN's Prime Cell~♬
Check out Yumi-GO EUN moments in the video✔
#YumisCells #Yumi #tvN
#BHYouTube #BHIND #BHEntertainment #BHind
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