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Необходимые материалы:
1. Металлопластиковая\пластиковая труба;
2. Тейп-лента (зеленая и коричневая);
3. Флис;
4. Синтепон\наполнитель для игрушек\вата;
5. Деревянные шпажки;
6. Гофрированная бумага;
7. Ножницы;
8. Иголка с ниткой.
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Hello, in this master class you will learn how to make a growth yulotnuyu grass - Rogoz!
Necessary materials:
1. Metal-plastic / plastic pipe;
2. Tape tape (green and brown);
3. Fleece;
4. Synthepon \ filler for toys \ cotton;
5. Wooden skewers;
6. Corrugated paper;
7. Scissors;
Needle with thread.
First you need to determine the length and diameter of the brown cob. To do this, we measure the necessary size of the fleece by the pipe and cut off the rectangle.
Then, turn this rectangle to the wrong side and stitch it along one edge. A through tissue tube is obtained.
If you want your bug to bend, take a metal-plastic pipe into the trunk base. If you take a simple plastic, the trunk will not bend.
It is necessary to wrap the pipe with a tap-tape. For this, first try on the bag to the pipe, and start winding the pipe from the place where the cob ends.
Then we pass the bag on the tube and let it down to the point where the pipe is wrapped around us. We need the fabric to go to the tape tape to avoid slipping the fabric through the pipe.
We take a needle with a thread and sew hard the fabric at the base of the cob.
Then, turn the bag up on the front side. Filling the cob filler or sintepon to the edges of the cob. In this case, we need to leave the hole of the pipe itself, do not clog it with a filler.
After packing, thread the top of the cob with a thread, pull it together as shown in the video.
We prepare the wooden skewers.
We take three skewers with pointed ends. Try on the length of the cob. 50% of the length is necessary to be in the ear, 50% above it. We wind the brown tape with a distance that will stick out of the cob.
Then, with fingers through the fabric, we probe the opening of the pipe, and pierce the tissue with the pointed ends of the skewer and insert them into the tube.
Thus, the skewers tighten all the seams and unevenness of the fleece in the pipe and the apex becomes round and flat.
Next, I make leaves from corrugated paper. I glue the sheet on the pipe with hot glue.
If you have any questions, write in the comments)))
Master-props Anya Kovaleva.
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