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重磅大消息公布!!外国人全肉宴狂欢!BIG News Reveal!!Foreigners Crazy about HUGE Chinese meat feast!!

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Hey guys! This video is truly special. We will reveal the biggest family news that we have released in the three years since starting this channel! We've prepared a huge meat-lovers feast to celebrate this joyous occassion. Our whole family is SUPER EXCITED! Some of you have already guessed it in the comments of our previous videos but now it's official! And thank you very much for stay with us and support us! 💞 这期公布大消息!!!!解密这么久没怎么作大餐的原因,谢谢大家的耐心等待。什么消息让全家嗨到沸腾?!!我们家第一次全肉宴直接全家大口吃肉太过瘾!话不多说大家去看视频吧:) 记得订阅我们的频道,获取更多新视频呀 Don't forget to subscribe to be notified of our new videos:) Subscribe - 💞请在这里关注我们 FIND US HERE Bilibili: 北欧冷冰冰 小红书: 北欧冷冰冰 西瓜视频: 北欧冷冰冰 头条号 : 北欧冷冰冰 💌您的建议 YOUR SUGGESTIONS 我们非常乐意听您分享给我们你想看的视频内容。如果你有任何想看的关于北欧或者我们家庭的视频,欢迎随时留言告诉我们,也许下一个视频就是你建议的呢😊 商务洽谈 business inquiries: [email protected] Special thanks to: 🙏 Those who have sent Super Thanks on our videos! Your continued support helps allow us to create new content! 非常感谢这些给我们超级感谢的朋友们,大家一直以来的支持和鼓励,我们才能持续拍摄更多有意思的新视频给大家
