What if you are at your lowest? Depressed, you’ve lost who you are. A few toxic relationships have run their course, and a few new events are placed in your path. You have nowhere to go but up, so you carefully lean in to clearing out the negative energy and not drinking to numb the pain. Nicole Rippee started saying ‘yes’ to showing up in her life with listening to where she was being led, and ‘yes’ to cultivating a community of support and encouragement. Fear would not have the last word. Bigger than fear was the thought of regret and she didn’t want any of that. Nicole is our guest this week for Let’s Talk about Mental Health.
Rechelle Conde-Nau is a podcaster/blogger who created Unabashed You "because you're already good enough - you just have to believe it.” Other roles she’s enjoyed: elementary school teacher (5th grade is the best!), director for children’s performing arts programs (creating, mentoring, celebrating – so fulfilling), author of Standing Tall: A Collection of Hope (after the death of her infant son with lots of gifts after loss). In addition to teacher, Rechelle is a servant-leader – any role/opportunity that encourages. She aspires to inspire.
UY has been heard in over 90 countries with over 150 guests sharing who they are: their wisdom, their challenges and how they continue to overcome. Extraordinary, everyday people like you, and me. Each one of us matters.
Rechelle is available to facilitate workshops, host panel discussions, speak at women’s events, and support creative, inspiring endeavors. And more! Just ask.