ALL WHEELS UNLOCKED!! OVER 150 GAMES!! My BIGGEST WIN on BUFFALO GOLD EVER!! Triple Sunsets - Multiple 4 Coin Triggers - Handpay For Over $10,000!!
What an Amazing First Try on this New Buffalo Gold Wheels of Reward Game.
Why is this the Biggest Win on Youtube... it's all based on the bet size and how many times the total was. Which is over 4000x. If you can find a Buffalo Gold Wheels of Reward Video at this bet size winning over 10K, please let me know in the comments! I'd love to see it and change my title.
Each free game keeps pouring money into my wallet. These moments are the ones gamblers live for. After it was all done, I went to order a drink & realized I had lost my voice from screaming so much (it was after 2am - no cocktails available). I LOVE YOU BUFFALO ❤️❤️
This is The Other Reason I LOVE TRIPLE SUNSETS So Much
See All the Triple Sunsets I've Ever Had on Buffalo ➤
Corner Suite Tour:
Luxury Room Tour:
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These videos are intended for Adults 18 years or older. They are for entertainment purposes and filmed in a REAL Land Based Casino or on a Cruise Ship with my REAL money. Nothing online.
Remember...IN THE SHORT TERM, YOU MAY WIN BIG. BUT OVER TIME (THE LONG TERM) THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS. The machines are made to take your money. The Casinos are a business & make their profits on house edge.
You should make sure you set a limit using an entertainment budget that you're willing to lose.