Bika Ambon.... Pasti langsung kebayang Oleh Oleh Medan
Sekarang kamu bisa buat sendiri
Yuk diikuti terus
Maaf ya, di video ada nga terekam saat memasukkan margarinnya.
ikuti per kelompok bahan yang dibawah ini
masukkan margarin sesaat setelah santannya udah dimatikan api kompornya
Bahan A : ( Biang ) / Dough Maker
50 ml Air Hangat / Luke Water
1 sdm Tepung Terigu pro sedangl All purpose flour
1 sdm Gula Pasir / Sugar
7-11 gr Ragi Instant / Yeast
Bahan B :
450 ml Santan Kental / Thick Coconut Milk
3/4 sdt garam / Salt
1/4 sdt bubuk kunyit / Turmeric Powder
1 btg Sere / Lemongrass
1sdm Margarin / Butter
6 lbr Daun Pandan / Pandan Leaves
8 lbr Daun Jeruk / Lime Leaves
Bahan C :
15 btr kuning telur / Egg Yolk
1 btr telur utuh / Whole Egg
280-310 gr Gula ( kalo suka manis 310 gr ) / Sugar ( for sweet lovers ,you can use 310 gr Sugar )
Bahan D :
300 gr Tepung Tapioka / Tapioca Flour
The important thing when you bake this, the oven should be heated before you start baking at least 1 hour until the heat is enough for the dough. We need highly heat because it will effect to your Bika Ambon texture to become honey comb texture .
Don't close the door of the oven until the honey comb texture shown up ( baked with lower fire then baked with upper and lower fire together )
Semoga bermanfaat
Thank you for watching😊😊😊